
2015.9.26 - 2015.12.20

As a habit, Yi uses her phone to capture the growth of her son and their daily life. “Travel with Haru” is the visual journal of our three-day camping trip with Yi’s family. Images like these are candid and spontaneous — a reflection of a lifestyle. They’re not exactly the conventional museum art, but, this way, travellers can really relate to and resonate with the authenticity in the photos.

In this issue of “about:”, we hope to deliver aspects of leisure and the sentiments of travelling. Travelling can mean a three-day trip or a long journey away from the city. Travelling is a state of mind, and if that state of mind can be duplicated in our daily lives, wouldn’t it be much more pleasurable and effortless to go through an otherwise mundane life? In addition to Yi’s photography, we also invited our intern, Raylyn, to leave some mementoes of her two-month stay in Nanfangao.